The Story of these photographs

Bithi Sumaiya
3 min readJul 29, 2022

It was 2016 when I bought this dress (confirmed after checking some facts inside my brain!).

Evening time. Me, with my roommate (similar age and different department), we were in the new market of Dhaka city. Just before wrapping up our shopping haul, I noticed this dress and you can tell, I got hooked. It’s nothing fancy, also very common design in the new market area. Yet so much hooked and sure that it has to be mine, I ditched all doubts coming at me from my roommate.

And yeeeee! I purchased it. I altered it to fit myself better by myself. Then our being together began.

clothing, hand embroidery, tiny floral, colorful floral
These photos are taken by me :)

Since 2016, it got scratchy ends from rickshaw, countless times soaked in water n kept soaking, washed ruthlessly. It is still sturdy as hell. I secretly wish it may never ever torn apart!

clothing, hand embroidery, tiny floral, colorful floral
These photos are taken by me :)

Not sure if you can tell from the photos, over time, it has lost a bit color from its original blue shade though (from all the soaking n washing). My one of the best n favorite purchases in the clothing category. I feel so proud about it. Insane kind of proud. The price was within my budget as a student — that was definitely a bonus. The frequency of wearing it — the value for the money I got — it’s just so satisfying. Period.

clothing, hand embroidery, tiny floral, colorful floral
These photos are taken by me :)

When I started going out for morning walk, instantly I assigned this dress to perform as a comfort zone for me. As ‘morning walk’ attempt was very new to me, quite opposite from my previous lifestyle. So I made it my partner in my discomfort conquering journey.

clothing, hand embroidery, tiny floral, colorful floral
These photos are taken by me :)

The little floral you are seeing, they are the latest addition to this dress. When I first start walking, the dress was just the dress. Then I walked n walked, started noticing all the tiny-tiny little wild flowers around me.

I have an eye for noticing details (sometimes it helps me enjoy the simple beauties of nature n life around me which someone may not even bothered to notice; sometimes it backfires and all hell break loose! — it’s both; strong point n weak point).

clothing, hand embroidery, tiny floral, colorful floral
These photos are taken by me :)

Okay! Back to the story. I felt really inspired by those wild flowers, naming them generally because I don’t know the names of each flower.

At the similar time, I had revived my sewing skill n already was sewing wherever I set my eyes. Eventually I picked up this dress and decided, ‘why not you? Allow me to give you a makeover!’

N these photographs are from those sewing moments. My morning walk dress, immersed in wilderness.

clothing, hand embroidery, tiny floral, colorful floral
These photos are taken by me :)

I really enjoyed sewing all these tiny-tiny floral (almost) all over the dress. The design is very simple. It turned out to be so beautiful! It feels like I am walking wrapping a garden around me.

I don’t have a full picture of the dress. Mostly because the flower details — camera won’t gonna capture these clearly from far. So I took just close up shots n let it be. My precious, happy dress just got more precious n happier.

Life keeps changing. It is accompanying me warm-heartedly through the change aka transformation.



Bithi Sumaiya

Just an ordinary, fellow human being figuring out how to live and die satisfied - minimizing regrets and maximizing peace.